House Financing Loan (Mera Makan)
Loan for individuals who wants to construct a new house, want to have extra construction on their existing house or want to renovate their house can apply for House Loan.
Purpose of loan
Small Business & Enterprise
Start up Business
Asset Purchase
House Renovation/Repair & Maintenance
Domestic Needs/Emergency Loans
Any Other Legal Activity
Loan Amount
– Minimum Loan Amount: Rs.30000/-
– Maximum Loan Amount: Rs.1000,000/-
Loan amount more than Rs:150,000 would be oared for income generating/business activities with proper appraisal made by respective loan officer however loan process will remain same under Gold loan Product.
Loan Duration
Loan Duration: 3-18 Months.
Age of Borrower
Minimum age: 18 Years Maximum age: 65 Years
Loan Processing Time (TAT)
Maximum 1 Hour
Loan application form duly filled and signed
– Customer’s CNIC Copy
– One Recent Photograph of Customer
– Authorization form
– Bank Account in NRSP Branch
– ShroffValuation Certificate
– Letter of Pledger and Gold Insurance (Adhasive Tickets with value of Rs:100)
– Demand Promissory Note (Revenue Tickets with the value of Rs:50)
– Gold/Gold Ornaments
House Financing Loan (Mera Makan)
Target Market
Age Eligibility
Salaried Individuals, Government Employees and Pensioners
Up to 60 years of age for Salaried Person
Up to 70 years of age for Pensioners
Income Level
Net of business income should be less then PKR 1,500,000 annualy
Loan Amount
Minimum Loan Amount Rs, 2 million/-
Loan Duration
Upto 60 Months
Mark Up Rate
Lowest Markup rate
Repayment Frequency
Monthly (Having monthly income)
Loan Processing Time (TAT)
7 days from completion of required documents.
Types of Collateral/Security
Third Party Guarantee
Early Closure
Allowed and Markup will be charged on loan utilized period only.
Late Payment Penalty
CIB and NADRA Check
The Bank does NADRA check and ECIB check on all customers.
Micro Small Medium Enterprise Loan
Loan amount up to Rs. 1 million for micro entrepreneurs.
Purpose of loan
Business Expansion
Purchase of Stocks/Inventory
Purchase of Business Assets
Working Capital for day to day business expenses
Dairy Farming Business
Loan Eligibility
Age 20-60, should have a valid CNIC.
Loan duration
Minimum 3 Months
Maximum 24 Months (Up to PKR 500,000)
Maximum 36 Months (above PKR 500,000)
Repayment option
Equally Monthly Installments
Post Dated Cheques, Mortgage of urban/rural property
Personal Guarantee/Hypothecation on vehicle/Hypothecation on Stock,inventory,animal/Gold Ornaments
Fee & Charges
As per Bank’s SOC
Free Credit Life Insurance
Complementary Hospitalization & Death Insurance up to Rs.20,000/-
House Financing Loan (Mera Makan)
Loan for individuals who wants to construct a new house, want to have extra construction on their existing house or want to renovate their house can apply for House Loan.
Purpose of Loan
New Construction
Product Features
House Financing Loan (Mera Makan)
Target Marke
Salaried Individuals, Government Employees and Pensioners
Age Eligibility
Up to 60 years of age for Salaried Person
Up to 70 years of age for Pensioners
Income Level
Net of business income should be less then PKR 1,500,000 annualy
Loan Amount
Minimum Loan Amount Rs, 2 million/-
Loan Duration
Upto 60 Months
Mark Up Rate
As per applicable Schedule of Charges.
Repayment Frequency
Monthly (Having monthly income)
Loan Processing Time (TAT)
7 days from completion of required documents.
Types of Collateral/Security
Third Party Guarantee
Early Closure
Allowed and Markup will be charged on loan utilized period only.
Late Payment Penalty
CIB and NADRA Check
The Bank does NADRA check and ECIB check on all customers.
NRSP Bank Loan Scheme 2021 – NRSP Bank Loan – Bank Loan for House – House Loans – NRSP All Branches List – NRSP Mera Makan Loan

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