Ehsaas Amdan Program Online Registration

Through the Ehsaas Amdan programme different assets will be distributed to most deserving individuals to help individuals to move from poverty. The assets used for this purpose comprise livestock (cows buffaloes, goats as well as poultry) as well as agricultural inputs that are suitable as well as the body parts of chchchi Rickshaws, and outlets of small and small-scale enterprises. The budget for the Ehsaas amdan program is around fifteen million Pakistani rupees. Through 375 Union Councils representing 23 districts that are the poorest in four provinces of Pakistan, Ehsaas Amdan is being implemented.

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What are the Ehsaas-Amdan program’s objectives?

The vocational skills or products will be offered to 200 household members (having PSC 0-18)

60% of the beneficiaries of assets are women

30 percent of the beneficiaries are children.

Through 221,926 loans that are interest-free 50 percent of the loans will be made available to households

Ehsaas Amdan Program Time Line


What are the beneficiaries that are identified in the Ehsaas Amdan Programme

The program is primarily (but not only) upon Government of Pakistan Kafaalat households who receive additional assistance via asset transfers as well as vocational education and give them the opportunity to take advantage benefits of Interest Free Loan Scheme (IFL) to refer to the acronym) to be able to leave the social security records of the government.

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Households that are identified (through the procedure described above) are assisted in establishing lifestyle investment plans that pinpoint the abilities and resources the household is currently using, as well as the kind of assets and resources required to expand or enhance their business or income-generating activities.

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The total number of beneficiaries expected to be of the Ehsaas Amdan Programme

It is the Ehsaas Amdan program will begin in 375 rural union councils across 23 districts that are the poorest of the four provinces within Pakistan (list of the districts is in appendix).


How do Ehsaas Amdan beneficiaries gain access to Ehsaas Loans with Interest Free Loans

The households of the asset recipient are assisted in gaining access to Ehsaas the interest-free loan window when it is in their local area, and if they think they need more funds to enhance their business.

Ehsaas amdan program online registration

By conducting a survey in Pakistan’s Kafaalat households Each and every person (poor families) is identified, and assets will be distributed (cows buffaloes, goats and chickens) and appropriate inputs for agriculture as well as body parts of chingchi-rickshaws).

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