Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO Jobs 2023
Job Description
Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO Jobs 2023, lahore Punjab Pakistan invites applications from eligible applicants for the publish of mali, steno grade ii, sub station operator grade i, cellphone complaint clerk, cashier, sub station operator grade ii, line superintendent grade i, information cader, stock clerk, lab assistant, line superintendent grade ii, assistant manager bills, sweeper, naib qasid, sub station attendant, assistant sub station attendant, bills assistant, telephonist, shop keeper, engineer electrical, assistant supervisor, decrease department clerk, clerk, ldc revenue, tracer, assistant supervisor cs, educated graduate teacher, audit assistant, assistant, sanitary employee, electrician ii, m t helper, business assistant and store helper as in keeping with advertisement of April 30, 2023 published in day by day Express Newspaper. Candidates with Middle, Others, MA, Matric, I.Com, B.Com, Intermediate, CA, M.Sc, MS, BA, Bachelor, Primary, B.E and BCS and so forth. Educational background could be preferred.
Latest Management jobs and others Government jobs in Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO last date is round May 31, 2023, see exact from ad. Read entire ad on line through OTS to recognize how to observe on cutting-edge Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO activity opportunities.
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List Of Available Vacancies:
Office Assistant
Accounts Assistant
Line Superintendent
M&T Helper
Naib Qasid
Senior Clerk
Junior Engineer
Stock Clerk
Store Helper
Store Keeper
Sub Station Operator
Trained Graduate Teacher
Lab Assistant
Junior Clerk
Commercial Assistant
Assistant Manager
Audit Assistant
Chief Information Technology Officer CITO
Communication Technician
Director ERP
Data Coder
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Date Posted / Updated:
Category / Sector:
Primary | Middle | Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor | BA | MA | | | BCS | CA | B.E | | MS | Others | ICS
Vacancy Location:
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO
Job Industry:
Management Jobs
Job Type:
Full Time
Expected Last Date:
Beware of Fraudulent Recruiting Activities. If an agency asks to pay cash for any motive, do now not pay at all and report us thru touch us shape. Apply as in keeping with instuctions & dates mentioned in official process ad. Govt jobs might not be applied on-line here. Human typing blunders is feasible. Error & omissions excepted.
How to Apply Wapda Jobs 2023 – LESCO Jobs 2023?
Please visit the OTS Website: for online/offline registration and submission of applications.
The test fee will be charged to candidates Rs: 80/- per applicant.
Test fees shall be paid in any branch of BANK AL FALAH. ABL or HBL on prescribed Bank Callan downloadable from the website OTS.
Candidates are required to send a complete prescribed application form along with attested copies of all educational documents, and domicile certificates. CNIC and other relevant documents experience certificates. two recent passport-size photographs as well as original fee challan through Courier services Pakistan post to; Manager Operation (LESCO) Open Testing Service Office No.1, Central Avenue, Salvia Town Phase-VI, ISLAMABAD.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Get a New Electricity Connection?
For a new electricity connection you need to submit the online application with required information and document then need to get the print if that application and submit to the concerned office. After proper verification demand notice will be issued. You need pay the fee against that demand notice and submit the receipt to the concerned office for next process. The related officer will verify demand notice payment and then installed the connection on your requested place.
What is LESCO Demand Notice?
Demand notice is the sort of challan form, issued by LESCO (WAPDA). It has the price mentioned on it and applicant required to submit in designated bank against the request of new electricity connection.
What is LESCO New Connection Fee?
LESCO new connection fee you need to contact the concerned office and ask from them about it. For just an idea estimated new connection fee is Rs-7240 but still it’s recommended to contact the concerned office for confirm fee.
How to Check LESCO New Connection Status?
To check LESCO new connection status you need to contact the concerned officer in related LESCO office.
How to Get LESCO Demand Notice Print?
To get LESCO demand notice print, visit this link and need to enter tracking ID or CNIC number of the applicant to get the print of the demand notice.
Apply form 2: Click Here

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