UBL Laptop Installment Plan – How to Buy Laptop on Installments in Pakistan
Product, Features & Benefits
- Enjoy 0% mark-up for up to 6 months
- Free home delivery may be availed In Karachi, Lahore & Islamabad
- Pay as low as 125% per month for 12 to 36 months tenures
- Choose from the widest range of tenures from 3 to 36 months
- For further details, please call UBL Contact Centre at 111-825-888
Other Important Information
- To avail the facility, LIP and Credit Card Terms and Conditions are applicable. Please refer to the latest Schedule of Charges for applicable fees
- Only the Card member or an authorized person(s) may receive the product
- Current and valid CNIC copy of Card member or authorized person(s) will be required as proof of identification at the time of delivery
- Delivery of the product will be subject to availability of stock and the price of products are subject to change. However this will not apply to confirmed LIP bookings
- Designs and specifications of the products may vary
- Installment calculations are based on the diminishing balance method
- UBL will not be responsible for the quality of the product/services
- In addition to the charges above, all applicable Government taxes, duties and levies will also be charged
- This offer Is valid for a limited time period only
KARACHI 4th Floor Aroma Tower. Saddar Tel. 111-466-841
LAHORE 1st Floor, BuicIng No.3, National Bank Park. fvkri Golf. Gulberg 3, Ka tma Chowk Tel: 042-35752188-74245
ISLAMABAD 14-E, Kilezannine Floor, Itihnzoor Plaza. Bue Area Tel: 051-2805347.051-2805348

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