Turkey Free Visa | Study in Turkey | Fully Funded Scholarships 2021 | Summer Young In Turkey
Funded Summer Camp in Turkey. Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum
(ICYF) is announced the Fully Funded International Young Volunteer camp
2021 in Turkey. ICYF decided to
accept the international application from different parts of the world
for ICYF Young Volunteers Camp 2021 in Turkey.
Host Country: Turkey
Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
Duration of Summer Camp: 6 – 7 Days
Eligibility: Students Professionals & Young people are eligible to Apply.
What Are The Benefits:
Expenses that will cover by this program:
Travel Expenses
Free Accommodation
Explore Turkey
ICYF Young Volunteers Camps targets to achieve the following specific objectives:
Design the right framework of a volunteering training program during any kind of crisis as a long-term solution
Establish an effective partnership network and its community for volunteer’s capacity building
Empower youth lead organizations on volunteering management
Enhance young volunteers` capacities through interactive training
Promote the human rights of volunteers during humanitarian crises with civic and human rights education.
establish a network among youth organizations for effective
collaboration to find sustainable solutions during a pandemic crisis and
humanitarian crises in the world.
Raise awareness of youth on the universal values of volunteerism
Provide a platform for sharing experiences, lessons learned & reflections on youth volunteerism and its impact.
Share best examples of successful youth volunteerism initiatives
Enable participants to improve themselves in project preparation for various funding sources and project cycle management
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail this Turnkey opportunity.
Citizens of the OIC Member States or applicants of the Muslim community
in a non-OIC Member State can apply for this program.
The applicant’s age limit for this international opportunity is 18-30.
Applicant must have experience in volunteer work.
Applicants must be able to speak in English Language and work in teams.
Applicants must be involved in different volunteer projects.
Applicant must be passionate & Motivated to attend a full training program.
International Volunteer Camp:
Application process for ICYF is completely online, applicant need to
submit an online application form to ICYF Portal. The ICYF application
form is very easy & simple. Fill in all the required fields carefully
according to the requirements and submit your application.
Turkey Free Visa | Study in Turkey | Fully Funded Scholarships 2021 | Summer Young In Turkey

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