The Crisis Administrations Branch of the Public Authority of Punjab, often referred to as Salvage1122 is accepting applications from experienced and qualified experts to join the group. The reputable organization is at the forefront of emergency response in Pakistan providing essential forms of help, such as medical help and burning down fires and also appointing fiasco management. When you join Salvage 1122, you’ll have the chance to make a huge impact on society, save lives, and raise the general well-being.
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Salvage 1122 provides a stimulating and demanding workplace where your talents and commitment will have a significant impact. The group is centered on the efficient handling of events and offers ways for continuous training and growth. As a member of Salvage 1122, you’ll be a vital part of a group that is committed to public benefit and emergency response as well as ensuring the safety and stability of the community.

How to Apply for Rescue 1122 Jobs 2024?
Candidates who want to get the eligibility criteria for these vacancies should visit the Official website (Visit Here).
Desired applicants may also apply online using the suggested link.
There is no way that TA or DA will be allowed.
Any application received after the last date will not be entertained.
Terms & Conditions
Candidates are directed to apply online on Central Testing Service(CTS)website www.ctspak.com or link available at PESD web site www.rescue.gov.pk latest by 24-06-2024. Candidates are directed to send their forms by Postal mail to Central Testing Service. CTS will not accept the forms by Hand. If any candidate has any complaint at any stageof recruitment, he/ she may contact CTS Recruitment Complaints Redressal Cell by email ing to CTSatquery@ctspak.com or by calling or messaging helpline numbers given below.042-35755548, 0300-0532200(WhatsApp)
Only completely filled online applications fulfilling the complete criteria shall be accepted. All the documents are accepted provisionally and offer of appointment is subject to verification of documents, Police Verification,Successful completion of training and clearance by the medical board constituted by Government of the Punjab. Written and psychological/ aptitude tests of applicants shall beheldatdesignated places as mentioned on Roll no slips which can be downloaded from CTS website after one week of last date of submission of application forms. Original CNIC and Roll Number Slip is Mandatory for test entry.Candidates are not allowed to bring cell phones to the examination centers. Change of test center, category is not allowed. Any amendment will be communicated through CTS & PES Dwebsites. ONLY candidates qualifying both written and psychological/aptitude tests shall be eligible for Physical and Skill Tests. The list of qualifying candidates for Physical & Skill Tests shall bedisplayed on CTS & PESD websites along with the Physical andSkill tests dates and centers. The skill tests shall beconductedat designated places by the CTS.
The final list of candidates qualifying for Interviews along with the interview schedule shall be displayed on CTS & Rescue websites. The inter view shall be conducted at the Emergency Services Headquarters&Academy located in Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore. At the time of Interview candidates shall present original documents along with three setsof attested copies of all the relevant documents and six passport sizepictures and also submit a medical report issued by the Government Teaching Hospital or DHQ Hospital regarding their physical examination(height, weight, chest, eyesight and physical deformities) and laboratorytests for Hepatitis B&C, HIV and RPR at the time of physical test. Candidates have to justify their eligibility as per advertised criteria. Thecandidature/ selection/ appointment shall be cancelled at any stageof recruitment or training and even after appointment, in case any information is found to be missing, false or forged. No relaxation in age or qualification (Army/Civil) shall begiven. However, the employee of Punjab Emergency Service Department shall be given 5 years age relaxation in upper age limit only for administrative posts. Any person with weak eye sight, obesity with BMI 30 or above and Hepatitis B & C, HIV and RPR positive shall be shortlistedatanystage. Preference will be given to the candidates with height morethan5.6” whereas minimum chest size will be 33”. Candidates are directedtoa pply only for one suitable post; however appropriate candidate may bead justed against other suitable post on recommendation of the Recruitment Committee. Service may increase or decrease posts depending on availability. Local residents as per CNIC will be given preference. 5% quota shall be reserved for minorities and 15% quota shall bereservedfor females. She males can also apply.
In case of the large number of applicants, only applications with preferred/enhanced criteria shall be considered. Attach all academic and experience certificates along with Online Filled, Submitted ,Downloaded Application form and send it to Central Testing Services Office 414, F2, Jeff Heights, Main Boulevard, Gulberg III Lahore Pakistan
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Rescue 1122 Jobs 2024

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