PPSC Lecturers Jobs – Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs
Posted on: 02-12-2021
Location: Punjab
Education: Master
Last Date: 17-12-2021
Vacancies: 1730+
Company: Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC)
Address: Secretary, Punjab Public Service Commission, Head Office, Lahore
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PPSC Lecturers Jobss going to recruit 1359 Female Lecturers and 372 Male Lecturers on a Regular Basis. Interested job finders belonging to any district of Punjab Province are permitted to apply. Competitors of any gender Male, Female, and shemale are qualified to apply. The quota for each gender is affixed in the Employment Notice.
PPSC Lecturers Jobs are required for Arabic, Botany, Civics, Commerce, Computer Science, English, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Home Economics, Journalism, Library Science, Mathematics, Pakistan Studies, Persian, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, Punjabi, Saraiki, Social Work, Sociology, Statistics, and Zoology.
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Eligibility Criteria for PPSC Lecturers Jobs Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs:
Before stepping forward to submit online applications, suppliants should read the eligibility criteria asked by the HEC for these Lecturers Jobs. Detailed information is available in Advertisement No. 41 posted below.
Applicants possessing a Master’s Degree (at least 2nd Division) in the relevant subject or equivalent qualifications are acceptable. Applicants holding a Master’s degree (3rd division) with a diploma in English from Allama Iqbal Open University will also be eligible.
In case a candidate claims that her qualification is equivalent to the prescribed qualification, he/she will be required to submit equivalence of his/her qualification issued by the Competent Authority at the time of interview. If a candidate fails to submit an Equivalent Certificate at the time of interview his/her candidature shall be canceled.
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Gender: Male, Female, Male Transgender & Female Transgender
Domicile: Punjab
Place of Posting: Anywhere in Punjab
Age Limit: 21 to 28 Years + 8 Years General Age Relaxation: 36 Years (Female & Female Transgenders)
Age Limit: 21 to 28 Years + 5 Years General Age Relaxation: 33 Years (Male & Male Transgenders)
Syllabus for Written Examination/Test:
One paper of MCQ type written test of 100 marks of 90 minutes will be held including 80% qualification-related questions and 20% questions related to General Knowledge.
How to Apply Online for PPSC Lecturers Jobs?
Candidates can open the PPSC website and generate the Online Challan Form for the desired post.
On this Challan Form, you can deposit the application processing fee in the mentioned banks on the Challan Form.
After depositing the Application Processing Fee, you can apply online.
During the online submission of applications, you should have scanned pictures of CNIC Front Side, Original Deposit Slip, and a Passport-size Picture.
Apply Now Click Here

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