PM National Innovation Award 2023

 PM National Innovation Award

Welcome To PM National Innovation Awarda 

You are on the job page.Here we shall tell you about the latest job openings that were announced by the PM. National Innovation Award 2023 | Make your ideas into a an enterprise that can be filled out in a matter of minutes. The candidates who are interested can apply on this site or by the appropriate channels, as specified. Late and incomplete applications or applications will not considered.

Only those who have been shortlisted will be selected for the selection. No TA or DA is accepted as an interview or test. If you require details or assistance with this position, please do not hesitate to reach us via email or through the comment section. YouTube You can find each of these links in upper right-hand corner on this webpage. Click here to view the ad below for more information. More information on this job opportunity is listed below.

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PM National Innovation Award 2023 Silent Features


PM National Innovation Award 2023

Food Security
Agriculture & Nutrition, Sustainable food eco-system.

Water Management & Sustainability
Irrigation, Water conservation, Waste & Water Treatment.

Climate Change & Environment
Climate Mitigation, Disaster Management, Metro-scale pollution reduction, climate modelling.

Information Technology & Telecom
Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Disparities in access of technology, 5G, healthcare using ICT.

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Sociology & Philosophy
Intellectual heritage, material culture, future of work and family, politics, gender, population.

Urban Planning

Preservation of urban space and life, Planning of Second Tier Cities, Transportation, Waste Collection.

Innovative Governance & Reforms

Responsiveness to Citizen Services, Citizen Scorecards.

Sustainable Energy
Electric mobility, Smart energy, Transmission and Grid issues.



National Innovation Award is an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to present their innovative ideas related to 8 thematic areas with a specific focus on Eco-Innovation.


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Registration Guideline

The last date to apply for Prime Minister National Innovation Award 2023 is 30th January 2023.

Apply Now

Guidelines for Filling out Application Form
o Please read these guidelines carefully – it contains information that will assist you in filling
out details of application form and avoiding mistakes.
Filling of Application Form:
i) The application form must be filled in carefully. The field which requires details will expand as
you type.
ii) No Field of the application form should be left blank/unfilled however, if you can’t type on a
particular area of the form, it’s because you’re not supposed to be able to.
iii) A candidate must fill in his/her application form in such a way that satisfies the Commission on
his/her eligibility in all respect for the participation.
iv) In case any serious nomination of the ineligibility of a participant/team at any stage, the
commission may disqualify the team/participant.
v) Answer the questions fully where detail is required so that the reviewers will have enough
information to know what you are doing.
vi) Think in terms of an answer that requires a paragraph as opposed to one that requires a one or
two sentence answer.
Section 1- Applicant details:
1. In case of team, team lead information will be provided in this section.
i. This section requires demographics of the Applicant/Team lead i.e. First name, Last
email address, Cell number, Gender, Date of birth, Postal address, Education.
ii. The field of Education must be marked as ‘Yes” or “No”. In case of Yes, proceed for
further details of your education.
iii. The field of Affiliated College is optional which should be filled if you are studying/
have studied from a college which is affiliated from a university/DAI. iii. Degree level (Different
Options of Undergraduate, Graduate, PhD etc. are given). Select the
one in which you are studying or have recently graduated from.
iv. For students, Degree completion date will be the expected one whereas alumni will enter the
actual date on which they have graduated.
2. Part (b) of Section 1 is ONLY for teams. Individual participants are not supposed to fill these fields. It
contain the demographics/details of other team members and should be filled as explained earlier.
3. Section 1 part (c) is for description of Applicant’s and team’s motivation i.e. what made you to
introduce the innovation solution. Roadmap may be elaborated with defined roles & responsibilities
National Innovation Award (Web Portal)
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of each team member for implementation of Project. Describe the motivation in limited (100) words.
The next field of part (c) requires the overall skills of the team and how those skills can serve in the
innovation solution.
Section 2
4. Section 2 is mandatory for all. It requires the demographics/ personal details of the mentor. A mentor
must be from the relevant field as per the innovation solution and should preferably be serving or
retired person from the Higher Education or R&D sector. The mentor will not only guide the
applicant/team while developing the initial concept note but will also continue his supervision while
refining the proposal during different phases of the project.
5. In Field 1 of Section 3, the applicant/team will select the targeted thematic area of the innovation
solution. Thematic area MUST be selected from the given list. Only one option can be selected at a
6. Field 2 of Section 3 requires the selection of the Sustainable Developmental Goals of the country that
the innovation solution will impact. More than one SDG goals can be selected.
7. Field 3 of Section 3 requires the description of the innovation solution. This comprehensive paragraph
will completely define the proposed innovation solution how can it serve to achieve SDG? It should
give clear understanding of the innovation. The identified Problem should be realistic and the
proposed solution should address the actual problem.
8. Field 4 of Section 3 requires the description of problem/s your solution will target i.e. how this
innovation is useful and how you will head towards the solution.
9. Field 5 of Section 3 requires the description of societal impact of your solution. Targeted community of
your proposed innovation solution may be identified and how the solution will serve them. The
proposed solution should create value and new opportunities for the community. The idea should
address a community problem that has not received significant attention in the past.
10. Field 6 of Section 3 requires the uniqueness of your solution as to how your innovation is
different from the existing solutions. Description should justify the need for proposed innovative
11. Field 7 of Section 3 requires the time frame of the innovation solution that in what time solution
will start giving the output.
12. Field 8 of Section 3 requires the details of any committed grant or investment for the innovation
solution i.e. if you have any private investor for your innovation or if you have acquired any grant from
government or private sector or third party.
13. Section 4 field requires the 2-minute video that participant/team can provide in URLS,
attachment/links. Video should contain the introduction of the participant/team and complete
introduction of the innovation solution, its implementation and further development of the
National Innovation Award (Web Portal)
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innovation. Video should give the clear understanding of the proposed solution and the expected
outcomes if the innovation is spread on broad level. Participants can show the teamwork while taking
different shots

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