PM Imran Khan All Govt Scheme 2022

PM Imran Khan All Govt Scheme 2022

Table of Content

  1. Kamyab Jawan Program Loan Scheme Online Apply 2022
  2. Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme
  3. Sehat Insaf Card | Sehat Sahulat Program
  4. Mera Pakistan Housing Scheme
  5. Ehsaas Scholarship – Ehsaas Taleemi Wazaif Program
  6. 8171 Ehsaas Program 14000 Online Apply
  7. Prime Minister Internship Program 2022
  8. Ehsaas Rashan Madad Program


Kamyab Jawan Program Loan Scheme Online Apply 2022

Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme promotes entrepreneurship among youth by providing business loans on simple terms & with less markup through 21 on board Commercial, Islamic and SME banks.
All Pakistani residents, aged between 21 and 45 years with entrepreneurial potential are eligible to apply for the loan. For IT/ E-Commerce related businesses, the lower age limit is 18 years. Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme is for both startups and expansion of existing businesses across Pakistan. Loan applications have to be submitted online (hyperlink) only through our website.

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Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme

Microfinance banks are a type of bank that support individuals and small and medium-sized businesses through small and easy loans and business support. Microfinance banks play a critical role in building any country’s economy, especially the lower class.

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Sehat Insaf Card | Sehat Sahulat Program

The government extended the (Sehat Sahulat Programme) to the entire population of the federal capital, Punjab and Gilgit-Baltistan, while the process had been started for the procurement of insurance companies for the year 2022-25 to implement the flagship project.
“The objective to extend the program is to serve the deserving people, with the goal of a prosperous and healthy nation along with achieving universal health coverage,” Dr. Faisal Sutlan, the de facto health minister of the country, said.

See also  CM Punjab Laptop Scheme 2025

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Mera Pakistan Housing Scheme

Government’s Mark up Subsidy Scheme for Housing Finance
Lack of affordability is a key factor depriving low-income population from access to institutionalized housing finance to meet their respective needs. In order to facilitate availability of long-term affordable funding for housing to these segments of society, GOP and State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) have decided to introduce a “Government’s Mark up Subsidy Scheme for Housing Finance”.

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Ehsaas Scholarship – Ehsaas Taleemi Wazaif Program

Ehsaas Scholarship from Primary to Inter 2022 is now open to apply, In this Ehsaas program students from class 6th to 10th will get a quarterly education stipend. The inclusion of Intermediate 2nd Year and 1st year is also approved in this Ehsaas Waseela Taleem Program.

Ehsaas scholarship is announced for the need-based students who are unable to pay their fees due to financial problems. The students will be provided with the stipend in this need-based scholarship program 2022. The board has approved a stipend of 4000 per quarter for First year & Second Year girls and 3500 for boys. Students enrolled in Matric will be also provided with a stipend of Pkr 3000.

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8171 Ehsaas Program 14000 Online Apply

The Complete Way to Get Out of the Ehsas Kafalat Program Money HBL Machine
Now the amount of Kafalat has been increased from 12 thousand to 14 thousand

Whenever a Pakistani man or woman goes to Ehsas Center or ATM to collect Ehsas Kafalat money
Now you have to get 14,000.

See also  Ehsas Registration | Ehsaas Programs

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Prime Minister Internship Program 2022

Prime Minister Internship Program 2022: Prime Minister Imran Khan Internship Program has been told by the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the unemployed youth of the Country. The graduates which weren’t able to get jobs even after completing their degrees will now be able to get a paid internship chance. This was informed today by PM Imran Khan during his address to the nation.

The Internship chances will be offered in different departments, ministries, and private companies/firms across different cities of Pakistan. Both Male and Female candidates will be able to apply from Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KPK, AJK, and GB for these internships. A monthly stipend of Rs.30,000 will also be given to the selected person.

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Ehsaas Rashan Madad Program

Ehsaas Program CNIC Check Online registration and Ehsaas Rashan Madad program the government bureau has
supported dispatching the
hsaas Program CNIC Check Online and Ehsaas Rashan Madad program for 20 million families
nationwide.The program costs Rs. 120 billion, which will assist with lessening
the effect of swelling on the most weak fragments of the populace. 

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