PIYUOUUOUH GOYAL discusses issues in the natural rubber sector in Kochi

Piush Joyal, Minister of Union Trade, chaired a meeting with the stakeholders from the natural rubber sector, which was organized by the rubber council to explore new opportunities.

Discussions focused on strengthening local rubber production, advanced mechanization, and Amnesty International to benefit from new markets and others.

The minister also, financing options for farmers were explored and the certificate facilities are enhanced. He affirmed the government’s commitment to support the rubber industry in India for sustainable growth and global competitiveness.

All stakeholders from the Automotive Factors Association (ATMA), the India Association of Rubber Industries (AIRIA), the Federation of Indian rubber traders, Ubasi, and representatives of rubber and industry farmers.

George Valley, head of the Indian rubber traders Federation, said that the minister was keen to improve production by obtaining a better price for farmers in traditional areas. The agricultural community also sparked concern about the import of the rubber compound, which hit them badly.

Valley said that the minister agreed to consider the standards of inputs and standard outputs that facilitate imports free from natural rubber fees under the advanced license plan.

Valley added that the minister also confirmed that he would look at the problems faced by the growing community, including the supply of smoke home to dry up rubber leaves, click mechanization, etc.

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