NAB Jobs 2022 – National Accountability Bureau Jobs
Posted on: 15-01-2022
Location: Pakistan
Education: Matric, Retired Persons
Last Date: 31-01-2022
Company: National Accountability Bureau – NAB
Address: Additional Director Admn, National Accountability Bureau NAB, Islamabad
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These vacancies are opening in NAB Offices in Lahore, Headquarters, Sukkur, Karachi, Rawalpindi, and Balochistan. Candidates having Matriculation and retired Army Officers such as JC and NCO are invited to fill these vacancies.
The National Accountability Bureau is an independent and self-governing body of the Federal Government that actively deals and makes efforts against corruption and every economic disparity. The bureau is empowered with the authority to take any action possible to enforce a just and fair economic system.
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National Accountability Bureau was established in 1999 as Ehtesab Cell by the former President and Chief of Army General Pervez Musharraf and since then it has been extending and developing. The Bureau operates through Islamabad with its 4 regional offices in four provinces.
The careers in NAB offer a very secure and fruitful path with very high salaries devised for the officers, medical coverage, different allowances, and bonuses. The Bureau owns its employees and gives them authority to perform their duties without any fear.
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Vacant Positions:
Assistant Junior Expert-1 (Intelligence)
Assistant Junior Expert-1 (Security)
Assistant Junior Expert-3 (Transport)
Junior Expert – 2 Intelligence
The candidates must be eligible before sending their applications to the department as the selection will be purely made on a merit basis. The eligible candidates are advised to visit the official website of the bureau and download the application forms to send them to the office before the last date.

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