Kashf Foundation Loan Apply Online – Kashf Bank Loan – Kashaf Loan Details – Kashaf Loan Application Form
Kashf Foundation Loan Details In Urdu 2023
Kashf Easy Loan (KEL) is a new loan product designed to address the demands of those who need low amounts of loans to meet any needs. It usually is the case that clients already need a loan to address issues that they are already borrowers from KF in other programs of Kashf. Students needing a loan to finance their studies may also apply.
- Kashf Karobar Karza
- Kashf Easy Loan
- Kashf Sahulat Karza
- Kashf Mahweshi Karza
- Kashf Murabaha
- Kashf School Sarmaya
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Kashf Karobar Karza
Kashf Karobar Karza is the primary lending product offered by Kashf Foundation to clients who wish to start their own business, expand their existing enterprise or to those women who intend to re-start their shut-down business (applicable to business that has been shut-down since a minimum of three months). This product can also be availed by women who wish to help members of their households that are running business.
Features and Specifications
Term 1 year (12 months)
Installments 12 (Equal Monthly Installments)
Amount Upto PKR 40,000 (First Loan Cycle) to PKR 100,000 (Upper Limit)
Documentation PKR 250 (Paid in Monthly Installments)
Insurance Plan A: PKR 1,850 – with Maternity Coverage (Premium is Paid in Monthly Installments)
Plan B: PKR 1,200 – Without Maternity Covered (Premium is Paid in Monthly Installments)
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Kashf Easy Loan
Kashf Easy Loan (KEL) is a relatively new loan product introduced to meet the urgent needs of clients who require small loan amounts for any purpose. It is an easily accessible loan of PKR 15,000, intended to tap an underserved segment and also to create microfinance readiness among low income female clients. It aids those clients who wish to fulfill their financial needs on an urgent basis. This loan can be availed on easy conditions and less time.
Features and Specifications
Term One year
Installments 12 (monthly installments)
Amount PKR 15,000
Insurance Life Insurance available with this product
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Kashf Sahulat Karza
Kashf Sahulat Karza is available for existing clients to provide a cash inflow to meet emergency expenses or needs that may come up over the course of their loan tenure with Kashf. This loan can be used for any domestic or emergency needs and does not have to be used to address a business need.
Features and Specifications
Term 6 months
Installments 6 (Monthly Installments)
Amount PKR 5,000
Documentation No processing fee
Insurance Not applicable
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Kashf Mahweshi Karza
Kashf’s holistic approach through this loan product focuses both on improving the productivity of the animal, mitigating risks and improving returns to the female livestock producers.
Features and Specifications
Purpose Dairy Meat
Amount Option 1: PKR 30,000 -100,000
Option 2: PKR 100,001 – 150,000 PKR 30,000 -100,000
Use Livestock animal purchase Livestock animal purchase
Term Option 1: 12 months
Option 2 : 18 months
Option 1: 6 months
Option 2: 12 months
Option 3: 12 months with two bullet payments
Repayment Equal Monthly Installments of capital and interest payments Bi-Annual and Annual
Insurance Life Insurance
No Health Insurance
Livestock insurance Life Insurance
No Health Insurance
Livestock insurance
Training Animal husbandry; Financial Literacy Animal husbandry; Financial Literacy
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Kashf Murabaha
Kashf Marhabah is a customized product designed offered in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province where Kashf’s market research showed a significant demand for microfinance but a higher degree of unease in accessing conventional microfinance products. To address the regional credit needs in KPK Kashf runs this Shariah Complaint program which has been approved by a Shariah advisor.
Features and Specifications
Term One year
Installments 12 Month Lease
Amount PKR 35,000 for first loan cycle
PKR 75,000 (Upper Limit)
Documentation Charges PKR 400
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Kashf School Sarmaya
The Kashf School Sarmaya is a holistic credit facility that provides financial access to low cost private schools as well as capacity building trainings to teachers and school management personnel on new teaching methodologies, new learning styles, effective school management and trainings on child sexual abuse.
This product with its multi-pronged approach ensures that low cost private schools have access to credit that result in an overall improvement in the quality of education in these schools. Students also directly benefit from this initiative, as financial education trainings for youth are delivered to all grades, beginning from pre-nursery and going all the way up to grade eight.
This curriculum, especially designed by Kashf’s in-house education team, covers an array of topics, from lessons as basic as counting money, to sessions which teach students how to manage their costs, create budgets and save efficiently.
Features and Specifications
Term 12-18 months
Instalments 12-18 (Monthly Installments)
Amount Minimum loan amount for 1st Loan Cycle- PKR 60,000 in case of loan tenured at 12 months
PKR 75,000 in case of loan tenured at 18 months
Maximum loan amount for 1st loan cycle: PKR 200,000
Maximum Loan Amount for 2nd loan cycle: PKR 300,000
Documentation Charges PKR 500
Insurance Charges 2% on PKR 20,000, 1% on the remaining amount
Training Fees Rupees 1,000 (This fee will be paid along with the first installment)
Insurance (Not Applicable)
School Profit Rupees 8,000-70,000
Age Limit (Client and Nominee): between 18 to 63 years and 5 months (for 18 month loan tenure)
(Client and Nominee): between 18 and 63 years and 11 months (for 12 month loan tenure)
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Client Testimonial
“Kashf’s loan has helped me expand my little kiryana shop into a full fledged store with a size-able inventory. By the grace of Allah and Kashf’s support today I am not only earning enough to bear all expenses of my household but am also able to undertake savings for the future.”
How to apply For Kashf Easy Loan
The interested customer can go to any branch of Kashf Foundation and submit the form.
For application and more information email us on info@kashf.org or call us at +92-42-111-981-981
Main Web Site
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Company Profile
1. Date/Number of issued licenses to the Company:
Section 42 License issued by SECP (License No. 1046, A023860)
NBFC License issued by SECP (License No. SC/NBFC-KF/146/2016-02)
2. Status of Company:
Large Sized Company (Non-listed Company licenced/formed under Section 42 / Section 45 of the Act having annual gross revenue (grants/income/subsidies/donations) including other income / revenue of Rs.200 million and above)
3. Company Registration Number:
4. Company NTN:
5. Name of Auditor:
KPMG Taseer Hadi and Co.
6. Name of Legal Advisors:
Mandviwalla & Zafar Advocates
7. Membership of Industry Associations:
Member of Pakistan Microfinance Network and Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy
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FAQs about Kashf Foundation Loan Apply Online
What is Kashf Foundation?
Kashf Foundation is a microfinance institution in Pakistan that provides financial services, including loans, to low-income individuals, particularly women, to support entrepreneurship and economic empowerment.
How can I apply for a loan online through Kashf Foundation?
To apply for a loan online, visit the official Kashf Foundation website and look for the online application portal. Follow the instructions provided and fill out the required information accurately.What types of loans does Kashf Foundation offer?
Kashf Foundation typically offers various types of microfinance loans, including business loans, education loans, and health loans. The specific loan products may vary, so it is advisable to check the available options on their website.
What are the eligibility criteria for obtaining a loan from Kashf Foundation?
Eligibility criteria may include factors such as income level, business viability, and repayment capacity. Specific eligibility requirements can be found on the Kashf Foundation website or by contacting their customer service.
Is collateral required for Kashf Foundation loans?
Microfinance institutions like Kashf Foundation often provide unsecured loans, meaning that collateral may not be required. However, it is essential to check the specific terms and conditions for the type of loan you are applying for.
How long does it take for loan approval and disbursement?
The processing time for loan approval and disbursement may vary. Kashf Foundation aims to provide quick and accessible financial services, and you can inquire about the expected timeline during the application process.
Can I apply for a loan if I do not have a business?
Kashf Foundation caters to a diverse range of financial needs, including supporting individuals in starting or expanding businesses. However, they may also offer loans for education, health, or other purposes. Check the available loan products to find the one that suits your needs.
What documents are required for the online loan application?
The documentation requirements may include proof of identity, income verification, and other relevant documents. Ensure that you have all the necessary documents ready before starting the online application process.
Is there an age limit for loan applicants?
The age limit for loan applicants may vary depending on the type of loan and the policies of Kashf Foundation. Check the eligibility criteria or contact their customer service for information on age requirements.
Are there any fees associated with the loan application process?
It is essential to review the terms and conditions for any applicable fees or charges associated with the loan application. Kashf Foundation aims to be transparent about its fees, and this information is typically available on their website or can be obtained by contacting them directly.
Kashf Foundation Loan Apply Online – Kashf Bank Loan – Kashaf Loan Details – Kashaf Loan Application Form

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