Kamyab Jawan Program Loan Online Apply

Kamyab Jawan Program Loan Online Apply

As part of Prime Minister’s vision of creating jobs for the youth, the Government introduced Prime Minister’s ‘Kamyab Jawan – Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme’ (YES) for provision of subsidized business financing. This program has been developed with an aim to create more job opportunities and provide means for young people to be successful in their chosen career paths and to encourage SME growth.


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Loan Scheme
Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme promotes entrepreneurship among youth by providing business loans on simple terms & with less markup through 21 on board Commercial, Islamic and SME banks.

All Pakistani residents, aged between 21 and 45 years with entrepreneurial potential are eligible to apply for the loan. For IT/ E-Commerce related businesses, the lower age limit is 18 years. Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme is for both startups and expansion of existing businesses across Pakistan. Loan applications have to be submitted online (hyperlink) only through our website.

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Kamyab Jawan Program was launched by Prime Minister Imran Khan to support the unemployed youth across the country through financial and technical assistance.

Soft loans from Rs10,000 to Rs 5 million will be provided to the unemployed youth of Pakistan to establish their own business.

As soon as the Kamyab Jawan Program was launched, it broke all the previous records as over 200,000 youth applied for the loans within three days of time.

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However, majority of the people are facing difficulties to apply online.

Here is the step-by-step guide for you to fill the form.

Loans provided under YES are segregated into 3 tiers.

Tier 1
The range is 100,000 upto 1 million PKR with 3% markup. No Security required for loan in this tier.

Tier 2
The range is above 1 Million upto 10 Million PKR with 4% markup.

Tier 3
The range is above 10 Million upto 25 Million PKR with 5% markup.

Main Page Link

Apply Link

Trace Application

Loan Calculator 

Loan Statistics

How to Apply For Loan Official Video Click Here 


Can loan be applied physically in branches?
No physical application form is required. All applications have to be submitted online at the following link/ Click Here

Can a non-resident Pakistani apply?
No. This scheme is only for resident Pakistanis.

Can government employees apply?
No. Government employees are strictly barred from applying under this scheme.

Does any gender have any priority?
There is no gender discrimination in this scheme and applicants of all genders are offered equal opportunities. However, considering the ground realities and to protect the fair gender, a minimum of 25% share on aggregate basis of all loans is kept for women.

What is the minimum educational requirement for an applicant?
There is no general requirement of minimum educational qualification, though it will be a favorable consideration for decision making by banks. However, in case of businesses which compulsorily require certain qualification, certifications, diplomas, authorizations or licenses, the same must be held by the applicant.

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Kamyab Jawan Program Loan Online Apply

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