Japan Internship Program 2021 | METI Japan Internship Program | Study in Japan | Japan
METI Government of Japan Internship 2021
METI Government of Japan Internship 2021, Ministry of Economy trade, & industry Japan is now offering an internship program for International Students. Candidates Male & Female who are looking for International Internships are encouraged to apply for this Japanse Internship.
Meti Internship 2021 Applicants will have an opportunity to gain international experience while working for a Japanese company. This internship can be completed from the applicant’s home country as it is completely online.
Masters Bachelors MPhil Ph.D. Diploma Associate degree are eligible to apply for this Japanese Internship. METI Japan Internship Program 2021 is open for all International Students all of the world. The Nice thing about this internship is candidates who are already graduated can also apply. The time duration of the Internship program is from 25th Oct to 22nd Dec. There are two internship courses, A and B.
METI Government of Japan Internship 2021
Country: Japan
Institute: METI
Gender: Male/Female
Internship Mode: Virtual
Internship duration: 2 months
Application Deadline: 31-August 2021
Eligibility Criteria:
To apply for the Meti Online Japan internship program 2021, you must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
Applicants who are from OECD countries that are on the DAC list can apply. (excluding China)
Information sessions/briefing sessions will be held online
Recruitment information regarding the host companies will be provided online
The screening process will be conducted on the following basis: information in the application CV, aptitude, experience, and ability as an intern.
Applicants should fully understand the program before applying
Applicants have to agree with company-specific conditions or requests.
How to Apply?
To apply for the METI Government of Japan Internship 2021, visit the official link mentioned below:
Japan Internship Program 2021 | METI Japan Internship Program | Study in Japan | Japan

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