Insaf Rozgar Scheme Application Form 2023


Insaf Rozgar Scheme Application Form 2023

Potential Economic Activities for New and Existing Livelihoods:

Dairy, Livestock, Poultry, Aquaculture, Agriculture, Agriculture, Horticulture(Cattles per household’s capacity & economic viability to support their livelihood)
Agricultural related off-farming businesses (value-chains)
Movable fruit / vegetable / maize cart vendors
Re tailors / Small scale traders
Hair Dressing
Laundry / Dry cleaning
Brass / Copper Work
Sole Making/Footwear
Maizery (Hemp) work
Metal work
Khaddar / Khaddi Cloth making
Wax Printing
Truck Art
Musical Instruments Making / Instrumentalists
Transport related services (Taxi/Rickshaw/Auto Spare Parts etc.)
Tire repair / Puncture shops
Mobile repair / Computer hardware repair / Software repair / Printing / Photocopying etc.
Services such as hand loom weaving and garments etc.
Small Scale Artisans (Mining Marble & Onexy Handicrafts)
Allied services to promote tourism
Professional graduates with viable micro scale enterprising ideas.

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Govt Scheme Information

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Professionally Potential Economic Activities for New & Existing Entrepreneurs:

Doctors, Engineers, Graduate / New entrant cohorts from technical colleges. TEVT centers, vocational centers.
Professional graduates with viable micro scale enterprising ideas
Disable persons with skills certification from Special Skills Institutes
Agricultural related businesses (off-farming)
Small Scale Artisans (Mining Marble & Onexy Handicrafts)
Light Engineering Services
Electricians / Electronics
Technicians / Mechanics / Plumbers
Medical related business
Photography & film making
Furniture / Wood Carving
Handicrafts / Garments stitching / Embroidery/ Dying or other related skills.
Small Scale Artisanal Workers
Skilled women’s home based enterprises

Salient Features:

General Eligibility Criteria
A permanent resident of Newly Merged Districts of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.
Having a valid Computerized National Identity Card.
Applicant shall be the resident on the provided address for at least two years.
Age Limit: 18-50.
Potential beneficiary should have a do-able business idea relevant to the skills.
Potential beneficiary, who intend to start up or support their viable and sustainable micro scale enterprises at NMAs.
Preference will be given to pass out candidates from skilled GoKP development programs or its affiliated institutes.
Female entrepreneurs (including widows)
Unemployed individuals (labor workforce).
Small traders.
New skilled entrants or trainees from skilled institutes and vocational centers having no financial resources to start micro scale enterprising.
Small scale entrepreneurs who are engaged in manufacturing, handicrafts and   garments etc.
Other economically viable micro scale enterprising ideas or support.
Business shall be of legal entity.

See also  8171 Ehsaas Program

Scheme objectives:

Socio – economic Development.
To Combat Poverty and Reduce unemployment.
Develop entrepreneurial culture.
Overall social & financial inclusion of the disadvantaged segments of the newly merged districts through access to finance.


Not an employee of any Government or Semi-Government or Autonomous body.
Not a regular student
The applicant must not have any outstanding loan exposure from any other Government’s/ Donors Scheme or Banks and having clean e-CIB.
Not availed loan under BKKRS/ PHRS/ RHRS/ KKS/ YCF/ Wasila-e-Haq facility through Benazir Income Support Program, NRSP/ SRSP.

Loan Size

Professionally Educated and skilled:
    Loan Amount:  Max. Rs. 1.0M per client according to business plan.
Skilled (Informal/ Semi-informal) individuals:
    Loan Amount:       Max. Rs. 0.500 m per client according to business plan.
    Skilled women:     Max. Rs. 1.00M depending on business plan viability.
    General/Informal: Max Rs. 0.300M depending on business viability.
    Loan Amount: Rs. 50,000/- up to Rs. 300,000/-
Start-up/ Existing having enterprise skills. The loan size ascertainment is subject to assessment of business plan/idea according to prudent banking practices.


Two PGs, at least one guarantor must be a Govt. employee of BPS 07 or above.


03 Years inclusive of 03 months’ grace period (for new enterprises only).

Post-Approval Stage

Agreement of Finance.
Demand Promissory Note.
Personal Guarantee.
Any necessary document (where required).

Required Documents

Re-Approval Stage
Duly filled in application form
Copy of valid CNIC of applicant & guarantor (e-NADRA Verification)
Two passport size photographs of applicant and guarantors.
Attested copy of Degree, Diploma or Skill Certification from any recognized institute (where applicable).
Government guarantor salary slip.
Letter of Comfort from concerned department clearly mentioning BPS for government guarantor.
Documentary proof of private guarantor’s Income along with undertaking on stamp paper. 

To Download Application form please: Click Here

See also  Ehsaas Program 25000 Online Registration


To Download Guarantor’s verification form please: Click Here

Insaf Rozgar Scheme Application Form 2023

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