India began issuing 2025 from its huge energy week event on Tuesday, an annual event aimed at leading global innovation for energy and cooperation for a sustainable future. In his main speech in this long -awaited event, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the energy ambitions in India stand on five columns: wonderful resources and minds that are encouraged to innovate, economic power and political stability, and a strategic geography that makes energy more attractive and smooth and its commitment to global sustainability.
Speaking through video conferences, the Prime Minister said that the next two decades are two decisive things for the goals of Vixet Bahrat in the country (advanced India), a period in which it is prepared to cross several landmarks. The Prime Minister said that many energy goals in India are in line with the deadline for the year 2030, such as:
- Add the capacity of 500 GB of renewable energy
- Carbon emissions from Indian railways
- 500 million metric tons of green hydrogen every year
Prime Minister Modi said: “Our goals can seem ambitious for many, but India’s achievements in the past ten years create confidence that these goals will also be achieved.”
Every world expert says that 21street The century belongs to India … India not only leads its growth but also the growth of the world. The Prime Minister said: “The energy sector has an important role that he plays on this trip.”
The Prime Minister said: “You are not part of the Energy Week event in India, but you are also an important part of the country’s energy ambitions. I am sure that the Energy Week in India will lead to solid solutions in this direction. In India.
India is still committed to providing a kind of energy solution that stimulates its growth and enriching its nature.
Speaking at this event, Federation Minister Hardip Seng Buri said that the central government does not leave any stone without wandering the gases in the country’s energy mix to 15 percent of 6.0 percent.
The Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas highlighted the country’s advanced energy scene, the importance of balancing the main challenges with long -term ambitions, and the country’s commitment to achieving GOS under the leadership of PM Modi.
The Minister of Oil said that India follows a strategic approach by taking advantage of 7.6 billion tons of resources discovered on the source, and 500 million tons of primary materials for biofuels and high energy demand. Buri also stressed that the countries and companies that master the mixed energy model will appear as leaders in the next generation of powerful power.
What is IEW 2025?
It was organized from February 11 to February 14th at the Yashobhoii International Conference and Expos in Douarka in the national capital. The IEW 2025 event is scheduled to record unparalleled global participation, ministers, executives and industrial leaders in the country’s decisive energy space. It extends to the central government, which extends to more than one square meter with a strong focus on innovation, IEW is scheduled to be the second largest energy event around the world, in terms of participation, exhibition space and sessions.
India Energy Week brings together global energy leaders, policy makers, industry experts and innovators to form the future of energy. Based on the remarkable success in the previous two versions, such as the pioneering energy event in India, IEW 2025 is a decisive platform for dialogue, investment and technological progress through the energy value chain.
With a strong focus on growth, cooperation and transition, the event highlights India’s commitment to energy security, sustainability and global partnerships.
One of the discussions on clean energy innovations to the display of advanced solutions in oil and gas, renewable energy and hydrogen, IEW 2025 is scheduled to pay meaningful cooperation and transformational policy procedures that will determine the next stage of the global energy scene.
It will be one of the most prominent events in the 2025 version of the Indian Energy Week. On this show tour is 25 blocks, with an area of 191,986 square meters offered to the investor community.
Below is a summary of ROUND -X ROUND -X:
- 25 blocks distributed over thirteen (13) sedimentary basins, covering an area of 191,986 square kilometers
- Among the total of 25 exhibited blocks, 16 blocks with an area of 97,919.6 square meters. how much. (51 %) is located in the previous “non -transfer” area
- Of the 25 blocks, there are 6 blocks in Meng
- The spread of the second category (9 blocks), the II category (11 blocks) and the second category basins (5 blocks)
- This show is primarily an external display round with 19 external pieces covering an area of 1111115 square meters. 13 blocks covering an area of 1,33,724 square meters in deep water and Ultradeep water
- Moreover, for OALP ROUND X, a new portal for the electronic house is available to provide transparent and safe bids with additional ease in making business features
Meomorandums of Understanding (Mous) to be signed at IEW 2025
ONGC chose the British oil giant BP to work as a technical services provider (TSP) for the Mumbai Higher field, the largest oil field in India in India.
MAIN EIL Technical is to implement a Memory Memorandum (MO) with BP Business Solutions India PVT LTD to cooperate in technical solutions through the main energy fields during the IEW 2025 event.
Separate notes of understanding are also on the cards in the big event, between Haniole and Amsine, and between Haniole and NTPC.
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