The company said that data (India) Ltd. was reported after a tax of 44.66 rupees for October quarter to December 2024.
The city -based company has registered its headquarters, participating in the defense and Aerospace Electronics Solutions, a profit after a tax of 50.97 rupees in the corresponding quarter of the last fiscal year.
The profit after the tax for nine months ended on December 31, 2024, 107.73 rupees, compared to 110.59 rupees registered last year.
Commenting on the financial performance, the company’s president and managagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagaPalan Rangarajan said: “We are happy to report healthy and improved margins for nine months of fiscal year 2014-25 driven by our constant focus on operational efficiency and a more suitable product mix.”
“The revenues of the quarter were affected by the delay in receiving the application and also the postponement of the delivery of complete products by a customer.”
“However, we are committed to continuing our path to maintain healthy growth and profitability,” he said in the company’s statement issued on Thursday.
During the quarter, total income fell to 128.41 rupees from 150.81 rupees registered in the corresponding quarter of the last fiscal year.
During the nine -month period ending December 31, 2024, the total income fell to 347.86 rupees compared to 371.26 rupees registered in the last period.
The company said that the requests, as in the date, amounted to 1094.99 rupees, while it included orders that were negotiated that were converted into orders, and the request book will be 1,184.14 rupees.
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