Dalda Foundation Scholarships
Scholarship 2022. Great opportunity for the bright students who are
unable to continue their education due to financial issues.
Scholarship 2022 Their
goal is to help needy and poor students who are passionate about their
education but don’t have the means. Applicants through this scholarship
program will have an extra weight age in aptitude tests. Applicants can
choose any field of their choice. We encourage all Male/Female
candidates who cannot continue their education due to financial issues
to apply for this scholarships program.
Students of 1st year can
apply for this scholarship program. It will cover their educational
expenses till applicants’ last semester of BS or Undergraduate Degree.
The application procedure is to be completed online. For more
information regarding the Dalda Scholarship 2022, check the details
mentioned below:
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Details About Dalda Scholarship 2022-23
Organization: Dalda
Gender: Male/Female
Education Level: Inter and Bachelor
Application Deadline: 15-11-2022
Dalda Foundation Scholarships

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