BSE Q3 net profit by 106 % to 219 rupees

BSE recorded a unified net profit of 219 rupees for the quarter ending in December, an increase of 106 percent over the past year. Revenue from operations increased to 774 rupees, an increase of 108 percent over the same period in the previous year.

The stock exchange witnessed the average daily rotation rate of 6800 rupees for a quarter, compared to 6,643 rupees in the same quarter of last year.

The BSE derivative sector witnessed the average daily rotation rate of 8,758 rupees for a quarter, compared to 2550 rupees in the same quarter of last year.

South Security Company collected the area of ​​one stock derivatives from July 1, 2024, with the expiration of the middle of the month or the second Thursday of the month. So far, 174 members of the one -stock futures contracts and 139 have participated in individual stock options. The total rotation rate since restart is 564 rupees in futures and 498 rupees in options.

South Dubai has changed the fact that BSE changed the day of Sensex and Bankex contracts from Friday and Monday to Tuesday, with its impact from January 4, 2025. While Sensex contracts continue to remain liquid, BSE is committed to rebuilding liquidity in Bankex contracts, Berver said in the version.

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