BHARTI Hexacom Ltd. Thursday, an increase of 22.66 % in profit to 260.9 rupees for December quarter.
The company recorded a profit of 212.7 rupees in the same last period.
The company said that the company’s operations revenue increased by about 25 % to 2,250.7 rupees during the quarter of 1800.6 rupees a year ago.
BHARTI Hexacom provides communications services to customers in Rajasthan circles and northeastern communication circuits. The Northeastern Circle includes Arunatchel Pradesh, Manibur, Migalaya, Mizuram, Nagalland, and Tripura.
The average company’s revenue for each user increased by 20.5 % year on an annual basis to 241 rupees during a quarter of 200 rupees in the last period.
BHARTI AIRTEL, a 3.5 % increase at the customer base, recorded 2.8 rupees in the quarter of 2024 from 2.7 rupees in the same period last year.

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