Bank Alfalah Loan | Bank Loan in Pakistan | How To Get Home Loan | Personal Loan
Alfalah Personal Loan
In life, we all fall short sometimes. But do not worry, Bank Alfalah is here to ensure your financial stability. With Alfalah Personal Loan, get customized financing without any collateral requirement and pay in easy monthly installments.
Loan Type
Alfalah Auto Loan
Alfalah Personal Loan
Alfalah Home Loan (Home Buyer,Plot and Build,Build Your Home)
& Other
Basic Product Features
Financing facility starting from PKR. 50,000 up to PKR. 2 Million
Tenure ranging from 1 Year to 5 Years
No security/collateral requirement
Complimentary orbits on sign-up
Why Alfalah Personal Loan?
Hassle-free processing with minimum documentation
Documents Required
Complete application form with signatures
Copy of CNIC
6 Months Bank Statement (If required)
For Salaried Individuals – Salary Slip/Salary Certificate
For Self-employed businessmen and Self-employed professionals – Any Relevant Proof of Business Documents (Tax returns, NTN, Bank Certificate)
Eligibility Criteria
All Pakistani nationals/Foreign nationals with company letter of comfort (Approved companies)
Salaried Individuals, Self Employed Businessmen/Professionals, others (Landlords/ Housewives & Retired Individuals) with consistent rental income/foreign remittances
Age │min: 21 years & max: 60 years for Salaried │min: 21 years & max: 65 years for self-employed professionals and businessmen
Income | Salaried : Min. gross monthly salary of PKR. 30,000/-
Self Employed Professionals: Min. monthly average balance of PKR. 50,000/-
Self Employed Businessman: Min. monthly average balance of PKR. 100,000/

We have designed our loan products keeping your individual needs in mind. With affordable tailor-made financing options that offer you the flexibility to choose your repayment plans, we help you stay in control of your finances and make the most of life’s opportunities today.
Reach someone helpful 24/7 111-225-111

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