Airports Security Force Jobs Govt Jobs 2021
Airports Security Force ASF Jobs Corporal & ASI apply and Application form
Airports Security Force Jobs Position are ASI (BPS-11), Corporal (BPS-07), Corporal Driver (BPS-05), Steno-typist (BPS-14) Draftsman (BPS-11) UDC (BPS-11) Medical Attendant (BPS-07) MT Driver (BPS-05) Cook (PBS-01) Sweeper (BPS-01) Khakroob (BPS-01)
Jobs Location : Pakistan
vacancy : 600+
Gender : Male and Female apply
Positions Name :
459 Corporals (BPS-07)
113 Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI) (BPS-09)
15 Corporal Drivers (BPS-07)
01 Stenotypists (BPS-14)
02 Upper Division Clerks (UDC) (BPS-11)
07 Draftman (BPS-11)
01 Technial Assistant (BPS-10)
01 Mediacal Attandance
01 Electrician (BPS-05)
01 MT Drivers (BPS-05)
03 Plumbers (BPS-02)
09 Bawarchi (BPS-01)
01 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
04 Khakroob (BPS-01)
Eligibility Criteria For ASF ASI Jobs 2020
The candidate must have done intermediate F.A, Fsc, or any other relevant equivalent qualification.
The minimum required height of male must be 5’-6” and for female candidates 5’2”.
The minimum required chest size of the male candidates must be 32 ¾” – 34 ¾”.
The age limit for this post is 18 to 30 years of age.
Eligibility Criteria For ASF Corporal and Driver Jobs:
The candidate must have done Matriculation pass or any other relevant equivalent qualification.
The minimum required height of male candidate must be 5’-6” and for female candidates 5’2”.
The minimum required chest size of the male candidates must be 32 ¾” – 34 ¾”.
The age limit for this post is 18 to 30 years of age.

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