District and Session Courts Kalat Jobs
District and Session Courts Kalat Jobs has released new employment opportunities in the District as well as Session Judge Office Kalat (District and Session Courts, Kalat Jobs 2023 Application Process).
Candidates who are interested in Government Jobs that are located in Kalat must not miss this chance. Candidates with domiciles in Kalat and Surab could apply for these positions. The District & Session Courts Kalat Jobs are posted on Session Division.
Jobs are open in the field of Steno Typists (BPS-14) and Data Entry Operators (BPS-14),and Naib Qasid (BPS-04). Candidates with Intermediate, BCS, BS or CS/BS IT Matriculation and Middle Qualifications are eligible to apply.
A minimum speed of 80 wpm for shorthand and 40 WPM typing speed are required to be considered for Steno Typist Jobs. Only those with at least one year’s working experience as a Data Entry Operators are selected for the position for Data Entry Operator.
The applicant’s age must be 18 and 30 years old. Candidates can submit verified copies of documents supporting their application forms on paper only to the District & Session Judge Office.
The government employees are also eligible to be appointed, however they need to provide a Non-Objection Certificate. Candidates applying for more that one job need to make separate applications.
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Posted on:
Middle, Matric, Intermediate, Bachelor
Last Date:
District & Session Courts
District and Session Judge, Kalat
Vacant Positions:
Data Entry Operators (BPS-14)
Naib Qasid (BPS-04)
Steno Typists (BPS-14)
District and Session Courts Kalat Jobs

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