Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Computer Operator Jobs
Posted on: 11-12-2021
Location: Punjab
Education: Bachelor, Intermediate, Master, MBBS, Middle, Nursing Diploma, Primary
Last Date: 12-12-2021
Vacancies: 1000+
Company: Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab
Address: Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab, Lahore
Job Alerts: Join WhatsAppGroup
We find three advertisements regarding Health Department Punjab Employment Opportunities. The eligibility criteria and application procedure is separately mentioned in each image.
Advertisement No. 1 is announced for the recruitment on Adhoc/Temporary basis for District Headquarters DHQ Hospitals, Tehsil Headquarters THQ Hospitals, Rural Health Centers, and Basic Health Units across the Province of Punjab.
Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab is needed Medical Officers (BPS-17), Women Medical Officers (BPS-17), Dental Surgeon (BPS-17), Charge Nurse (BPS-16), Specialist Doctors (BPS-18), Graphic Designer, Audit & Accounts Officer, CCTV/Network Technician, Sub Engineer, Junior Computer Operator, Computer Operator, Naib Qasid, Driver, Cook, and Sweeper/Sanitary Worker.
Interested professionals who are interested in these job positions should read the requisite qualifications and experience by the post. Overall, applicants holding qualifications such as Primary, Middle, Intermediate, Bachelor’s Degree, MBBS, FCPS, and Master’s Degree with requisite experience may apply.
These posts will be filled with the residents of Punjab Province. Desired individuals may read the complete details in the vacancy notice. Candidates who fully reach the post requirements must forward their applications to the concerned project office.
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Vacant Positions:
Audit & Accounts Officer
CCTV/Network Technician
Charge Nurse (BPS-16)
Computer Operator
Dental Surgeon (BPS-17)
Graphic Designer
Junior Computer Operator
Medical Officers (BPS-17)
Naib Qasid
Specialist Doctors (BPS-18)
Sub Engineer
Sweeper/Sanitary Worker
Women Medical Officers (BPS-17)
Also Check: NADRA Jobs 2021 in Pakistan
How to Apply for Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs?
We find two advertisements regarding Health Department Punjab Jobs. You can read both advertisements posted below and apply through the given procedure in each advertisement before the given deadline.
For Ad No. 1, Send Online Applications at
For Advertisement No 2, candidates may submit applications online
For 3rd Advertisement: Director Planning/HR, Project Management Unit, Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, Lahore.
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Computer Operator Jobs

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