HBL Car Loan Calculator – HBL Loan

HBL Car Loan Calculator – HBL Loan
HBL Car Loan Calculator

HBL Car Loan

Getting a new car can be exciting. Not just because you are getting a new car, but also because of all the options that are available to you when it comes to financing. You might have seen ads for your local credit union’s auto loan program, or maybe you have heard about loans from big banks like HSBC, Wells Fargo, or Citi Bank. But did you know that HBL Car Loan offers an easier way to get your dream car?

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Applying for a car loan online is quick and easy. All the forms are already filled out, so all you need to do is enter your personal information and sign electronically. It only takes 10 minutes! Plus, our rates are some of the best in the country. Think about how much easier it would be to buy your dream car without having to go through all the paperwork. Just think of how happy it would make you!

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What is HBL Car Loan?

HBL Car Loan offers a variety of auto loan programs to help you get your dream car. With no credit, bad credit, or good credit, you are guaranteed to get the right financing for your situation.

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We work with all kinds of people and we understand that there are many circumstances that might keep someone from having good credit. Maybe you have been through a divorce and it is taking time to rebuild your credit after an ex-spouse took out loans in their name and left you with the bill. Maybe life just has not been going as planned and now you are struggling to make ends meet.

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Whatever your situation may be, we want to help you succeed. And one way we do this is by offering a wide range of loan options at great rates because we know how important it is for people who need a little extra help getting back on their feet financially.You deserve the best car loan possible – and our rates can not be beat!

How does HBL Car Loan work?

The HBL Car Loan is our newest and most convenient way to get your dream car. You can apply for the loan in just 10 minutes, and there is no need to go into a branch.

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You can apply online, meaning you do not have to worry about dealing with paperwork or coming into the bank. And you are not limited to just one type of car. With HBL Car Loan, you can get any car from any auto dealer— new or used!

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We also offer some of the best rates on the market. There are no points or fees, and our rates are some of the lowest in the country!

Why should you choose HBL Car Loan?

HBL offers car loans that are easier, faster, and more convenient than any other option.

When you apply for an HBL Car Loan online, your information is already filled out. You just need to sign electronically and the application process is done! Plus, the rates are some of the best in the country so you can save even more money.

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It is time to hop on board with HBL Car Loans! Apply for one today and enjoy all these perks.


  • Financing limit between PKR 200,000 to PKR 3,000,000.
  • Repay within a 5 year time period
  • Choose any type of locally manufactured vehicle, new or used.
  • Receive financing up to 70% of the value of preferred car
  • Secured insurance at all times for peace of mind (with tracker facility)
  • Multiple Partial payment facility as per your convenience
  • Our network of over 150 eligible dealers means you have lots of brands and cars to choose from
  • HBL has over 1600 branches, you can apply for CarLoan as per your convenience by visiting your nearest branch or through other alternate channels
  • 24/7 support available through HBL Phone Banking
  • ​ Dedicated after sales service.​

Habib Bank Limited Car Loan Benefits

The range of financing limit is in between point two million (200,000) to ten million (10,00,00,00).

The repay time period will be within a 7 years

You have to select any type of car i.e. brand new, local or imported vehicles.

Receive the financing up to eighty five percent (85%) of the value of favorite car

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Availability of tracker facility which secured insurance at all times for peace of heart and mind.

Availability of multiple partial payment as per your convenience

HBL has over 1700 branches in Pakistan, you can easily apply for Car Loan as per your accessibility by visiting your nearest HBL Car Loan branch or through other channels.

Availability of twenty four hours (24/7) support through HBL Phone Banking.

Habib Bank Limited Car Loan Eligibility Criteria

For Salaried Individuals (SI):

  • Applicants must be a resident of Pakistan.
  • The age limit of Applicant to be twenty two (22) years or more at the time of loan application and maximum sixty (60) years or retirement age whichever is at least.
  • At least twenty thousand 20,000 minimum monthly income.

Pensioner Individuals (PI):

  • Applicants must be a resident of Pakistan.
  • At the time of maturity the applicant maximum age to be seventy (70) years
  • Applicants must have a pension account which must be related to the HBL account.
  • At least twenty thousand 20,000 minimum monthly income.
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Self Employed Business/ Self Employed Professional (SEB/SEP)

  • Applicants must be a resident of Pakistan.
  • The age limit of Applicant to be twenty two (22) years or more at the time of loan application and maximum sixty (60) years or retirement age whichever is at least.
  • At least twenty thousand 25,000 minimum monthly income.

Habib Bank Limited Car Loan Required Documents

For Salaried Individuals (SI):

Must provide original valid copy of CNIC along with verified copy.

Must provide two (2) recent passport size photographs

Must provide latest original slip of salary

Must provide a personal statement of the bank for the past three months.

Self Employed Business/ Self Employed Professional (SEB/SEP)

Must provide original valid copy of CNIC along with verified copy.

Must provide two (2) recent passport size photographs

Must provide a personal statement of the bank for the past six months.

Must provide documentation proof of occupation / business

HBL Car Loan Calculator

We know you have a lot of options when it comes to financing your car. But, did you know that HBL offers some of the best rates in the country?

There is no better way to make your dream car a reality than with a HBL auto loan. You can apply online and get pre-approved in just 10 minutes! Plus, our low rates are unbeatable.

If you are looking for an easy way to finance your new vehicle, HBL has one of the most comprehensive online applications available. You can apply quickly and easily from anywhere that is convenient for you—whether at work or on your phone while waiting in line at Starbucks.

Applying electronically means no more filling out paperwork and getting stuck on one page before being able to move on to the next step. You will also get faster approval, which means you will be able to purchase your car faster than ever before!

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Car Loan Scheme Contacts Information

You can reach our relevant helplines for any queries or help:

General Helpline: 111-111-425

Write to us at customer.complaints@hbl.comAttachments area


HBL is proud to offer an easier way to get the car you deserve. Apply for a car loan online today, and experience the convenience of getting your dream car!

Apply Online

Q. Who Is Eligible To Apply For HBL CarLoan?

A: You must be 22 years old, Pakistani citizen residing in Pakistan or abroad having a regular, stable and verifiable income stream to apply for HBL Car.

Q. Can A Non-Resident Pakistani Also Apply For HBL CarLoan?

A: Yes, a Non- Resident Pakistani maintaining relationship with HBL Pakistan and/ or HBL international can also apply for HBL CarLoan facility. For details please contact HBL Phone Banking at 111-111-425 or visit your HBL nearest branch.​​​​

Q. Is It Possible For Two People To Jointly Apply For HBL CarLoan?

A: Yes, two people can jointly apply for the CarLoan facility as Co-borrowers. Subject to fulfillment of certain criteria the Co-borrower’s income will be clubbed with your income to meet the requirement.​​​

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Q. How Can I Apply For HBL CarLoan?

A: If you are interested in availing HBL CarLaon please visit your nearest HBL Branch or you can also apply online and our representative will get in touch with you ​.

Q. Does HBL Charge A Fee To Apply For An Auto Loan?

A: No, HBL does not charge you for an auto loan application form

Q. Do I Get Any Benefit If I Am An Existing HBL Customer?

A: Yes. Based on the fulfillment of certain criteria, existing HBL customers are entitled to certain privileges and benefits. For details please contact HBL Phone Banking at 111-111-425 or visit your nearest HBL branch. ​

Q. How Will I Make The Monthly Installment Payments For My HBL CarLoan Facility?

A: For your convenience, a non-checking repayment account will be opened in your name so that you can easily deposit your monthly installment in the same through multipayment payment options:

  • Direct Debit Instructions (HBL account holders only)
  • Direct Deposit of Installment (cheque / cash) into allotted repayment account
  • Electronic transfer through alternate channels (e.g ATM / Internet Banking / Mobile Banking App etc)​

Q. Can I Use The Repayment Account For Other Transactions?

A: While the borrower can deposit monthly home loan instalment amount in this account other banking transactions and withdrawals cannot be performed​​​.

Q. What Is The Minimum Balance That I Am Required To Maintain In The Repayment Account?

A: There is no minimum balance requirement for the repayment account. However, to avoid any inconvenience please ensure that sufficient funds are available in the repayment account before the installment due date so that the installment amount can be deducted from the same accordingly.​

Q. Can I Inquire About The Status Of My Repayment Account?

A: ​All HBL CarLoan customers will be enrolled for HBL Phone Banking through which they will be able to inquire about their repayment account status as well as avail other related facilities.

Q. Can I Make Partial Payment For My Car Loan During The Tenure?

A: ​​Yes, you can make partial payment during the tenure. However, certain charges will apply as per the prevailing SOC’s. For details please contact HBL Phone Banking at 111-111-425 or click here for detailed Schedule of charges.

Q. Can I Repay The Loan Before The Maturity Date?

A: ​​​Yes, you can settle your car loan before the maturity date. However, certain charges will apply as per the prevailing SOC’s . For details please contact HBL PhoneBanking at 111-111-425 or Click Here for detailed Schedule of charges.

Q. What Other Charges Do I Have To Pay Apart From Equity Contribution?

A: ​​​​Apart from equity contribution, you have to pay processing fee, vehicle registration charges and first year insurance premium.​

Q. What Type Of Cars Can Be Financed Under “Lease Finance” HBL CarLoan?

A: ​​​​​​Following types can be financed

  • New Locally Assembled Passenger Vehicles
  • New LCVs (Light Commercial Vehicles)
  • Used Locally Manufactured Cars

Q. Will HBL Pay The Premium Amount Over And Above The List Price?

A: ​No, the premium amount over and above the list / ex-factory tax paid price will be borne by the customer.

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