Federal Investigation Agency | FIA Jobs 2021

 Federal Investigation Agency | FIA Jobs 2021


FIA Jobs 2021 Pakistani Nationals who are waiting for Federal Investigation Agency FIA Jobs 2021 that FIA Pakistan has announced the latest vacancy announcement. The Ministry of Interior Govt of Pakistan  Federal Investigation Agency Pakistan FIA is going to recruit dynamic, qualified, self-motivated, & energetic individuals against newly vacant positions. Interested Pakistani Nationals regarding Join FIA or looking for Forces Jobs should not drop this career opportunity.According to this ad, this FIA Pakistan Career Notice will be advertised in the Pakistani Newspapers on 30-05-2021. The organization will hire applications online through its Online Job Portal jobs.fia.gov.pk. After scrutiny of applications, the board will upload the list of eligible candidates on its website.

Jobs Positions:
Assistant (BPS-15)
Sub Inspector Investigation (BPS-14)
Stenotypist (BPS-14)
Upper Division Clerk UDC (BPS-11)
Lower Division Clerk LDC (BPS-09)
Assistant Sub Inspector (BPS-09)
Constable (BPS-05)
Constable Drivers (BPS-05)
Staff Car Drivers (BPS-04)
Dispatch Rider (BPS-04)
Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
Cook (BPS-01)
Chowkidar (BPS-01)
Sweeper (BPS-01)

FIA under the control of the Interior Ministry of Pakistan is responsible for the control of law and order nationally & sometimes internationally when the situation demands. It was presented under the 1974 health act and established in January 1975.FIA superseded Pakistan Special Police Establishment after the independence due to the growing crimes with every passing day. This agency was made responsible for crimes like human trafficking, corruption, gambling, money laundering, terrorist activities, control of borderline and cyber–crimes, etc.As the FIA deals with the most important part of a country’s development and trades with danger and risks24/7, it makes sure to provide a sustainable and secure career with enormous benefits and allowances and healthy salary units.Candidates can Join FIA Pakistan as Assistants (BPS-15), Sub Inspectors Investigation (BPS-14), Stenotypist (BPS-14), Upper Division Clerk UDCs (BPS-11), Lower Division Clerk LDC (BPS-09), Assistant Sub Inspectors (BPS-09), Constable (BPS-05), Constable Drivers (BPS-05), Staff Car Drivers (BPS-04), Dispatch Riders (BPS-04), Naib Qasids (BPS-01), Cooks (BPS-01), Chowkidar (BPS-01), and Sweeper (BPS-01).

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1: If you are not registered at FIA web portal, click the “Register as a new user” in the left panel. This will take you to the registration page where you will provide personal details like Name, Father Name, CNIC, Email Address and Phone Number.
2: For verification of email, code (OTP) will be sent to your email. Provide that code to verify your email. Send OTP will be valid for five minutes only.
3: For verification of mobile number, code (OTP) will be sent at your mobile number. Provide that code to verify your mobile number. Send OTP will be valid for five minutes only.
4: To complete the registration process click on submit button. After submission it will take you to the page where you can set your password. Password must have at least one special character, digit and at least one letter in uppercase (‘A’-‘Z’).
5: After completion of the above process, you will be redirected to the login page.
6: Login using your email and password. A login code (OTP) will be sent to your email for verification purpose only. Provide that code to authenticate yourself. At each login the same procedure of authentication will be followed.

Federal Investigation Agency

 Federal Investigation Agency | FIA Jobs 2021

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